El autor en la crí­tica homérica antigua y moderna: Algunas consideraciones

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Barbara Graziosi


In this article I discuss the connections between poet, characters and readers. My focus is based on the following question: How is the author imagined by readers, how are the characters imagined by the author and how the characters inspire readers? I have taken my examples from the Homeric tradition and, more specifically, from some manoeuvres of interpretation in ancient exegesis, particularly the so-called ‘solutions from character’, suggesting a connection with modern textual criticism and literary interpretation.


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Graziosi, B. (2016). El autor en la crí­tica homérica antigua y moderna: Algunas consideraciones. Synthesis, 23, e002. Retrieved from https://www.synthesis.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/SYNe002


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