Categorías tradicionales y prágmatica: καί estructural
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The aim of this paper is to analyse the examples of the so-called structural καί from a modern perspective. The examples are taken from the traditional grammars, in which this adverbial use of καί is usually distinguished. As it will be shown, this is in fact a complex category, established on the basis of its appearance in a subordinate clause and including three quite common uses of adverbial καί: additive, identificational and corresponsive.
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Jiménez Delgado, J. M. (2016). Categorías tradicionales y prágmatica: καί estructural. Synthesis, 23, e004. Retrieved from
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Dik, S. (1981) “On the typology of focus phenomena”, en Hoekstra, T. et al. (eds.) Perspectives on functional grammar, Dordrecht: 41-74.
DPDE = Briz, A., Pons, S. y Portolés, J. (coords.) (2008) Diccionario de partículas discursivas del español, en < >.
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Jiménez Delgado, J. M. (2015) “Ancient Greek καί: marginal adverbial uses”, en International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics held in Rome, 23-27 March 2015.
König, E. (1988) “Concessive connectives and concessive sentences: cross-linguistic regularities and pragmatic principles”, en J. Hawkins (ed.) Explaining Language Universals, Oxford: 145-185.
König, E. (1991a) The meaning of focus particles: a comparative perspective, London.
König, E. (1991b) “Identical values in conflicting roles. The use of German ausgerechnet, eben, genau and gerade as focus particles”, en W. Abraham (ed.) Descriptive and theoretical investigations on the logical, syntactic and pragmatic properties of discourse particles in German, Amsterdam-Philadelphia: 11-36.
Kühner R. y Gerth, B. (19043) Ausführliche Grammatik der griechischen Sprache. Zweiter Teil: Satzlehre. II. Band, Hannover-Leipzig.
LSJ = Liddell, H. G., Scott, R. y Jones, H. S. (19409) A Greek-English lexicon, Oxford.
Matić, D. (2003a) “Topic, focus, and discourse structure. Ancient Greek word order”, Studies in Language 27/3: 573-633.
Matić, D. (2003b) Topics, presupposition, and theticity: an empirical study of verb-subject clauses in Albanian, Greek, and Serbo-croat, tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Colonia.
Monteil, P. (1963) La phrase relative en grec ancient. Sa formation, son développement, sa structure des origins à la fin du Ve siècle a. C., Paris.
OED = Oxford English Dictionary, en < >.
Onions, C. T. (1985) The Oxford dictionary of English etymology, Oxford.
Powell, J. E. (1938) A lexicon to Herodotus, Cambridge.
Quirk, R., Greenbaum, S., Leech, G. y Svartvik, J. (1985) A comprehensive grammar of the English language, Londres-New York.
Revuelta Puigdollers, A. (2006): “Oraciones comparativas en griego antiguo”, en < >.
Smyth, H. W. (19202): A Greek grammar for colleges, New York.
Stein, H. (18835) Herodotos erklärt. Erster Band, Berlin.
Teuffel, W. S. y Kaehler, O. (18872) Die Wolken des Aristophanes, Leipzig.
Traugott, E. C. y Dasher, R. B. (2002) Regularity in semantic change, New York.
Wakker, G. C. (1994): Conditions and conditionals: an investigation in Ancient Greek, Amsterdam.