Del vientre al ΟIΚΟΣ: los pasos femeninos en la Grecia Antigua
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In this paper we will reflect on one of the most important life transition of the Greek women: the birthing. Starring two main actors, the unborn and the mother, childbirth is conceived as a dangerous journey that transformed both physically and socially. Both mother and son, cross the threshold of the "wilderness" to enter and settle in the center and origin of city life: the οἶκος, assisted by the gods Artemis and Hermes. These “passers” gods facilitate the way through the female passages which lead from the darkness of a woman's body to the light of the οἶκος. Thus, through the classical sources and the structural analysis we will research the concept of birthing of the Greek, his passage character and the “passer” deities previously mentionned.
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