Singularidad y despersonalización en los poemas homéricos
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The aim of this paper is to reconsider some Homeric problems paying special attention especially to two matters: the accumulation of wealth and the aspiration to equality in the core of a collective project. First, I elucidate the primary sense of ‘wealth’ in the Homeric poems; second, the common character of the Achaean enterprise is considered; third, I explain how these two problems suggest the loss of limits as a consequence of the homogeneity and disqualification attached to the accumulation of wealth as well as the common political project.
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Míguez Barciela, A. (2017). Singularidad y despersonalización en los poemas homéricos. Synthesis, 24(2), e018.
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Míguez Barciela, A. (2014) La visión de la Odisea, Madrid.
Míguez Barciela, A. (2016) Mortal y fúnebre. Leer la Ilíada, Madrid
Míguez Barciela, A. (2017) “Los pechos de Hécuba”, en Reboreda Morillo, S. (ed.) Visiones sobre la lactancia en la antigüedad: permanencias, cambios y ruptu-ras. Dialogues d’Historie Ancienne, Suplemento (en prensa)
Monro, D. B. & Allen, T. W. 1902/1920: Homeri Opera, Tom. I et II, Oxford.
Morris, I. (1986) “Gift and Commodity in Archaic Greece”, Man 21.1: 1-17.
Parry, J. & Bloch, M. (1989) Money and the Morality of Exchange, Cambridge.
Polanyi, K. (2016) La gran transformación. Crítica del liberalismo económico, Barcelona.
Ross, S. A. (2005) “Barbarophonos: Language and Panhellenism in the Iliad”, CPh 100.4: 299-316.
Seaford, R. (2000) “Aristotelian Economics and Athenian Tragedy”, New Literary History 31.2: 269-276.
Seaford, R. (2004) Money and the Early Greek Mind. Homer, Philosophy, Tragedy, Cambridge.
Ulf, C. (2004) “Ilias 23: Die Bestattung des Patroklos und das Sportfest der ‘Patroklos-Spiele’ – Zwei Teile einer mirror-story”, en H. Heftner & Tomaschitz, K. (eds.) Ad Fontes! Festschrift für Gerhard Dobesch zum fünfundsechzigsten Geburtstag, Wien: 73-86.
Van Wees, H. (1994) “The Homeric Way of War: The ‘Iliad’ and the Hoplite Phalanx (I)”, Greece & Rome 41.1: 1-18.
Van Wees, H. (1994) “The Homeric Way of War: The ‘Iliad’ and the Hoplite Phalanx (II)”, Greece & Rome 41.2: 131-155.