Dioniso y el toro: fuentes literarias y epigráficas
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The study of inscriptions about Dionysus in the Boeotia area has unveiled a particular engraving, found in Thespis (IG 7, 1787), which quotes the following epigraph: θεοῦ
ΤαÏÏου. The possible link of the motto to the god Dionysus still remains in dispute, and yet, the inscription is quite revealing about the relationship between the god and the bull, as evidenced by various sources: Nonnus of Panopolis in his Dionysiaca, Euripides in Bacchae and Plutarch in De Iside et Osiride, among others. The association between the king-archon, as responsible for presiding the festivals and as ultimate representative of the god, the queen and the bull seems to derive from the state cults of mysteric associations. Some myths support this hypothesis, insofar as Antiquity perceived the bull as a symbol of fertility and proliferation, but also of fury and danger. After considering these arguments, we will explore the relationship between this animal and the figure of Dionysus.
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