Discurso e representação sobre as espartanas no perí­odo clássico

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Fabio de Souza Lessa
Luis Filipe Bantim de Assumpção


Spartan society has acquired prominence in historiographical analyses produced since the eighteenth century onwards. Among the various elements which composed this society the figure of the Spartan woman was undoubtedly a widely debated aspect. Spartan women were considered from two distinct perspectives: at times represented in the discourse of classical authors as a model of social conduct; on other occasions seen as having excessive ‘freedom’ and inordinate sexual practices. We aim to compare the images constructed by Xenophon and Aristotle to verify the relations between the respective discourses and the social context in the classical period (the fifth and fourth centuries BC). 


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de Souza Lessa, F., & Assumpção, L. F. B. de. (2017). Discurso e representação sobre as espartanas no perí­odo clássico. Synthesis, 24(2), e022. https://doi.org/10.24215/1851779Xe022
Author Biographies

Fabio de Souza Lessa, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Master y Doctor en Historia Social por la Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro. Profesor Asociado de Historia Antigua del Instituto de Historia (IH) y de los Programas de Pos-Graduación en Historia Comparada (PPGHC) y de Letras Clásicas (PPGLC) de la Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro (UFRJ). Miembro del Laboratorio de Historia Antigua (LHIA) / UFRJ y Miembro Colaborador del Centro de Estudios Clásicos y Humanísticos de la Universidad de Coimbra, Portugal. Es editor de la revista Phoînix y autor de varios libros, entre ellos Mulheres de Atenas: Mélissa do Gineceu á Agorá (Mauad, 2010) y Atletas na Grécia Antiga (Mauad, 2017).

Luis Filipe Bantim de Assumpção, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Doctorando del Programa de Posgraduación en Historia Comparada de la Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro, bajo la dirección del Dr. Fábio de Souza Lessa. Investigador del Laboratorio de Historia Antigua (LHIA/UFRJ) y de ATRIVM – Espacio Interdisciplinar de Estudios de la Antigüedad (UFRJ).


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