“Iambic persona” in Hipponax: the case of the supplicant’s mask

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Sebastián Eduardo Carrizo


The aim of this paper is to examine the ways in which the poetic speaker manifests itself in the iambic poetry of Hipponax of Ephesus (6th century BC) and its possible functions within the poetic performance. In more specific terms, from a discursive analysis, we analyze the ways in which the first and the second person are deictically inscribed in frs. 2, 42, 43, 47, 49 y 208Dg, and the identity relations that are established between the different actants of the enuncive and enunciative levels. In short, it is concluded that it is possible to observe a process of masking, in which the 'I' assumes the role of a suppliant in a parody of the prayer.


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Carrizo, S. E. (2018). “Iambic persona” in Hipponax: the case of the supplicant’s mask. Synthesis, 25(2), e040. https://doi.org/10.24215/1851779Xe040


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