Population in the political and legal thinking of Xenophon: the role of Athenian metics in the Póroi

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Juan Bautista Bardi


The present study seeks to make explicit the philosophical foundations underlying Xenophon’s treatment of metics in the Póroi (II. 1-5). The way in which the Athenian philosopher decides to incorporate that category of population in his economical assessment of the pólis, matching them with any other type of good, is the result of a process of objectivation structured by the concept of “utility” that is rooted in the “theory of property” developed at the beginning of the Oeconomicus (I. 1-23).


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Bardi, J. B. (2020). Population in the political and legal thinking of Xenophon: the role of Athenian metics in the Póroi. Synthesis, 27(2), e082. https://doi.org/10.24215/1851779Xe082


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