The Interpretation of Sodom in the Work of Philo of Alexandria: A Reading in a Greco-Roman Key

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Jesús Caos Huerta Rodríguez


The purpose of this article is to review the use of the term ‘Sodom’ in the Alexandrian writings. As a result, at least two ways in which ‘Sodom’ acquires meaning in Philo's texts have been documented; on the one hand, there is a usage close to bacchic motifs; on the other hand, Sodomites are defined as pederasts. In both cases, the fundamental concern of the Alexandrian lies in adapting Jewish sexual morality to legal prescriptions within the scope of Greco-Roman culture.


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Huerta Rodríguez, J. C. (2022). The Interpretation of Sodom in the Work of Philo of Alexandria: A Reading in a Greco-Roman Key. Synthesis, 29(2), e125.


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