The Seduction of Hate: Rhetorical and Political Experience in Sedition

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Rubén Álvarez Arias


In his theory on seditions and political changes, Aristotle uses a pejorative adjective to describe demagogues. The trail of the political deeds performed by these agitators coincides with certain rhetorical devices, specially διαβολή, and leads to two different experiences or skills, one practical and another productive, without knowledge of the causes proper to art and inferior to it. Judged from this double technical perspective, demagogues win the trust of part of the audience with hate, but they become hated for ruining the natural trust of the soul and the civic community, that the political and rhetorical art deployed by the philosophy try to restore.


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Álvarez Arias, R. (2023). The Seduction of Hate: Rhetorical and Political Experience in Sedition. Synthesis, 30(1), e133.
Dosier: Pensar las emociones en la Atenas democrática


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